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Sam sees Laura with another boy and thinks she is (having a secret romantic relationship while going out with) Fred.  

Sam is worried about how Fred will react when he finds out.

Sam asks Fred if he has  (ended the relationship with) Laura,  but Fred says he just wants to (spend time with) Sam today.

Sam hopes there's really nothing (happening) between Laura and the boy he saw, and asks Fred if Laura has a male cousin who she (likes and is friendly towards).

Fred realises something unusual is going on and Sam tells him about (unexpectedly meeting) Laura and how she was (spending time doing unimportant things with) another boy.

Sam hopes Fred and Laura can (resolve the problem satisfactorily).  

Fred is very upset. He accuses Sam of (inventing what he's saying).  

Fred (ends his relationship with) Laura and wonders how he will ever (recover).  

Meanwhile, Sam realises he has made a terrible mistake!

Fred decides he wants Sam to go shopping with him to (improve his mood).